Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God's Black Son The Thought Process

  1. Heaven’s 1st Song – The Sample is from a group called The Jesus Lizard and the song is entitled "Jeremiah", we just wanted to keep that religious thought process for the project. Those verses are very powerful and what they are saying is awfully religious so that track really set the tone for the project. We originally had it chopped up with some drums over it but decided to go back to the sample and played some synth sub bass over it to add some more depth to it.
  2. Made You Justify – Sampled The Doors “Waiting For The Sun” just felt right. As we were brainstorming for the Jay-Z/Nas project we were doing this track for Zulu Faz but just ended up working for the Jay-Z/Nas project. The track turned out great and I actually love listening to it all the time.
  3. December 4th Warfare – Sampled the doors “Waiting For The Sun” again when we use samples! no lie we make like 5 to 6 beats off 1 sample it’s a habit we have developed because sometimes we are never satisfied with the initial track so we always want to take the sample higher. So we did all the programming and the playing at first I was going to add another changeup for the hook and actually add a hook but we didn’t want to sound like we were trying too hard. Its just a fun remix project.
  4. Thugz Mansion (Worldwide)– This was fun. We started off with the skeleton track. I listen to a lot of Arabic, Turkish and Asyrian music and wanted to take a very small element of that and plug into this track. So we told our homeboy Sargon who is Asyrian that we had something for him because he loves 2Pac. So we did the track and let it to hang a bit then we actually looped up the guitars from the original song. Then I sent to Donn Aaron from The Acclaimed Super Group “Romeo Spike” and he layed some bass over it. He doesn’t really play bass but they way he laid that bass we left it as is. Then we set it over to our frequent collaborator Mega Boy Alpha and he laid some live saxophone on it! 
  5. Cross The Moment Of Clarity – This was actually the first song we did for the project, it really set the tone for where the project was going to go. We played everything and got Donn Aaron to lay some bass on it. Once we had some bass on that joint we knew that this project was very feasible. We wanted to give it that feel and the bass brought this one to life I was very happy about this.
  6. Get What More - Contains samples from "Tappan Zee" by Bob James, always was a fan of the People Everyday by Arrested Development and Common’s “Two Scoops Of Raisins” Always had the sample but never really wanted to use it just loved to listen to it. Until we realized we can just loop the top part of the sample add subtle keys and strings for the hook. We had added guitar but decided not to go that direction with the track
  7. A Mastermind’s Threat – Our boy Mega Boy Alpha always sends music and random shit hes never going to use but he did the brass part and the bass for Made You Justify. We wanted to keep Made You justify simple so I told him I’m going to use the parts for another track. So I took his parts looped them added a drum pattern, some synth strings and keys and we were well on our way
  8. Last Real Announcement – Wanted to keep it simple like a conversation between Jay-Z and Nas. The little subtle comments they were making towards each other. The Nas verse was so long and felt natural we decided to keep it very simple, I toyed with adding more substance but it just felt right to leave it as is.
  9. Dirt Off Warrior – Originally wanted to do something totally different but then got on the motif and just everything took. The beat sounds very dope but in my mind I’m still debating if this fit on the project. It's a great track though overall wish I could have got a better Nas verse!! But it turned out great it's always a stress to get Nas to fit in to tracks like that so I figured at least we tried.
  10. Zone 99 – We wanted to take people to a totally different zone.  Originally was going to have live bass and live guitars but things didn’t work out that way. Didn’t want to seem like we were trying too hard. So we looped that sucka up and laid the verse on there and left it as is. Zone 99 was just spacey I want to hear someone who is tripping on Acid give me a break down of this track.   Zimbabwe Kev  

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